Q: Why did the turtle cross the road?
A: To lay eggs, of course!*
Turtle crossing signs raise awareness and save turtle lives! Sometimes they need just a bit of help getting across the street to avoid becoming a casualty. The female turtles that call Diamond Lake home head for higher sandy soil in which to lay their eggs each year in May & June. Once the eggs hatch, the hatchlings return to the lake via the same routes in August & September.
Both mamas and hatchlings can often be seen crossing the streets around Diamond Lake on the way. Those not seen by motorists can become casualties. Most are painted turtles or snapping turtles. At least one Blanding’s turtle has been seen as well. Let us know if you see other species!
How You can Help
Friends of Diamond Lake has created yard signs that residents around the lake can post in their yards to help increase awareness of the turtles’ presence on the streets. You can get a free turtle sign, just by joining FoDL with your tax-deductible gift at the $30 level or greater.
If you live on any of the streets near Diamond Lake — especitally Portland, Clinton or 2nd Avenues, Diamond Lake Road, Diamond Lake Lane, Chester Street, or 58th Street, you can place a turtle crossing sign in your yard to alert motorists to see that slow moving lump in the road really is a turtle. On other streets, the signs help to create turtle awareness and show your support for Friends of Diamond Lake.