The Friends of Diamond Lake Annual Meeting is on Thursday, May 2 at Pearl Park: 6:45-8:30 p.m. Registration begins at 6:15 p.m.
Learn about Diamond Lake Birds
Featured speaker Dick Sandve will be talking about the birds of Diamond Lake and answering your questions. Dick has been birding for over thirty years and has identified close to 700 North American bird species and over 1800 species worldwide. Dick is a member of the Minnesota Orthinological Union where he has served as Field Trip chairman.
Get a Turtle Crossing Sign
You can also pick up a Turtle Crossing yard sign at the annual meeting if you live on one of the streets surrounding Diamond Lake where Turtles cross over to lay eggs. In an effort to help motorists and others be aware of turtles on the move each spring and fall, Friends of Diamond Lake will be providing Turtle Crossing yard signs for area residents to post in their yards. There are only 25 available, so get yours at the annual meeting and help a turtle cross the road.