Join Friends of Diamond Lake and Make a Difference!
Becoming a member of Friends of Diamond Lake is one of the easiest ways you can get involved.
Your tax-deductible* donation helps to sustain the educational and outreach activities and demonstrates your support for restoring, protecting and improving Diamond Lake and its watershed.
Join or renew at with a tax-deductible donation of $30 or more and get a free turtle sign!
Every membership counts! Greater membership numbers help us leverage grant funds and demonstrate wide community support for the work of protecting, restoring, and preserving Diamond Lake.
For just $15, you can become a member. (Of course larger membership donations are always welcomed!) Friends of Diamond Lake will keep you up-to-date on educational programs for the whole family and important information regarding the lake.
And, while the minimum $15 donation is really — you might say — minimal, the support of many members also goes a long way when Friends of Diamond Lake works with local and state government partners.
Download the printable membership
form and join or renew today!
We are working on accepting online membership donations, but PayPal has been giving us a bit of a runaround. We hope to resolve this soon. (Have any clout with PayPal? Let us know! ) In the meantime, we hope that won’t stop you… please… download the form and mail it along with your membership gift of $15, $30, $50 or whatever you are inspired to give.
* Friends of Diamond Lake is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.