Q: Why did the turtle cross the road? A: To lay eggs, of course!* Turtle crossing signs raise awareness and save turtle lives! Sometimes they need just a bit of help getting across the street to avoid becoming a casualty. The female turtles that call Diamond Lake
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Sidewalk Salt and Water Quality As snow and ice melt, it washes into our lakes and the river. The salt and sand sprinkled on hard surfaces, such as sidewalks and driveways, goes with this melting flow and pollutes our lakes, creeks and the river. Once the salt
Read more →Well, it has happened. The most recent April (!) snowstorm caused Saturday’s Earth Day clean-up events in Minneapolis to be postponed. Uncovering trash is, after all, a bit more difficult in 8 inches of wet snow. Friends of Diamond Lake will post new information as soon as
Read more →Urban Stormwater Management: Concepts, Ways to Help, Grant Opportunities… Friends of Diamond Lake board members Mary Martini and Stu Goldstein attended a presentation by Leslie Yetka of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District on March 6, 2013. They learned some important concepts that can help all of us
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