Birds, Birds, Birds!

Swans on Diamond LakeWe are excited to have an experienced birder to help us again with this year’s inventory our of bird population around Diamond Lake. Mark is a resident of the Tangletown Neighborhood but he has agreed to cross neighborhood lines to help us out. As a long time birder Mark has frequented Diamond Lake in past outings. He will be leading several birding trips to help interested people learn to identify and appreciate the over 70 species of birds that either stop over on the lake as part of their migratory trek north or reside and nest on the lake and its surrounding habit. Specific trip dates are weather dependent and are in the works, so look for the birding expeditions on the website and in email blasts to members. Please be sure we have your preferred email address (see the Newsletter subscription form at the bottom of the page). Watch for upcoming notices in late April, May and June.